Tollywood Actor, Jr. NTR is all set to clash with Rajinikanth at the Box office. His upcoming film, Devara directed by Koratala Shiva is being made on a large scale and aiming for a Pan India Release. Devara is already announced for release on 10th October. Now, Rajinikanth’s upcoming film, Vettaiyan is also announced as October release. It is also learned that the team is informing the distributors that the film will release on 10th October.
Vettaiyan is a star-studded film with Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil, and Rana playing pivotal roles. Vettaiyan will also be planned as a Pan India film and these actors’ presence would make it such a film. Team of Devara is very confident about the film. NTR recently spoke about Devara highly and said that it would definitely make all the fans proud in Tillu Square’s success meet.
Devara was actually planned for this year’s summer but postponed due to shooting delays. The film has missed a big chance and no film was there to clash with Devara this summer. Now Vettaiyan along with Devara’s release would minimise its effect at the Box office. This year’s summer release Tillu Square has completely utilised the season and grossed more than 100 crores worldwide.