After making a successful debut with Mathu Vadalara, Sri Simha son of Music director Keeravani is now coming up with a film titled Thellavarithe Guruvaram. This film is slated to release on 27th March. Teaser of this comedy entertainer is released couple of weeks ago which has generated a quiet buzz on this flick.
Chitra Shukla and Misha Narang are the lead actress in this film directed by Manikanth Gelli. To promote this film further the team has planned to organize a Pre-release event on 21st March. Rajamouli and NTR who are working for RRR will be attending this event as social guests. Rajamouli and his family have attended Simha’s debut film and it launched him grandly. Thellavarithe Guruvaram is being produced jointly by Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram and Loukya Entertainments.