Jr NTR will be returning to small screen with Evaru Meelo Koteswardu. The quiz show will see a number of Tollywood celebrities testing their knowledge and luck on the hot seat. The show will start with the RRR stars. Ram Charan will be the first guest on the show and fans are all excited to hear more updates and stories from the movie sets.
A special sneak peak of the show was shared by Jr NTR on social media. The first episode of the show featuring Ram Charan will be aired on August 22nd.
Jr NTR, who is making a comeback to the small screen after 4 years will be hosting the quiz show for the first time. The show’s first three seasons were hosted by Nagarjuna while Chiranjeevi hosted the fourth season.
A special set has been erected at Annapurna Studios for the show and fans are eager to catch young tiger on the small screen. He had earlier hosted the first season of Bigg Boss Telugu Season 1 and received great applause for his hosting.