Senior dubbing artiste Ghantasala Ratnakumar passed away on Thursday after suffering a cardiac arrest in Chennai. Ratnakumar, the son of legendary singer, composer Ghantasala Venkateswararao developed some medical complications of late. Reportedly, Ratnakumar had kidney-related ailments and was on dialysis for several months.
Ratnakumar’s demise has sent shockwaves across the Telugu and Tamil film industries. Many people expressed their condolences to Ratnakumar’s family members.
Ghantasala Ratnakumar was a busy dubbing artist. In his career spanning four decades, he had dubbed for over 1,500 films in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi. He also worked as a dubbing artiste for Tamil and Telugu television serials. Ratnakumar entered the India Book of Records for dubbing for eight hours non-stop.