Fighter, the upcoming film of Bollywood Star Hrithik Roshan, is getting released in theaters in another seven weeks and today, the makers have released the film’s teaser. Surprisingly, not the action, but Hrithik and Deepika’s romance took the center stage in the Fighter Teaser. The teaser of the film, Fighter, was released this morning.
Siddharth Anand, who is known for action films and also the director of War and Pathaan, the two big blockbusters from the YRF Spy Universe, is also the director of Fighter. The teaser promised a big action spectacle, with rich visuals and patriotic elements, but the audiences find the romance between Hrithik and Deepika more interesting. The fans are trending the romance shots from the teaser on the internet.
Especially the lip lock kiss between Hrithik and Deepika on the beach has stormed the internet. The film will be getting released on Republic weekend 2024. As the action films will always have a blockbuster start, the film is expected to take a solid opening at the box office.
Hrithik and Deepika’s romance storms the Internet:
After Bang Bang and War, Hrithik Roshan and Siddharth Anand collaborated on the film Fighter, which is the first aerial action thriller to come out of India. Today, the team released a truly mind-boggling teaser. With its jaw-dropping visuals, adrenaline-pumping action moments, and grand production values, but as said above, not the action, but Hrithik and Deepika’s romance took the center stage in the Fighter Teaser.
The movie also features Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, and Akshay Oberoi in the major roles. The trade expects Hrithik Roshan to join the elite 500 crore net club with this film. The movie has massive hype among the audiences.
January 25th, 2024 is when Fighter will be released in theaters. Produced by Viacom18 Studios, Mamta Anand, Ramon Chibb, and Anku Pande, the film’s music is composed by Vishal-Shekhar. Fighter will also be released in 3D format.