Renowned Director Teja is known for his honesty, and occasionally he brings a new standpoint on a subject and once again he has done that. Director Teja interviewed Gopichand for the latter’s new movie Rama Banam promotions, but more than the movie or Gopichand, Teja’s words went viral on social media.
Teja said he’s got a big complaint about popcorn rates in multiplexes. Teja claimed that it is the price of popcorn in multiplexes that is killing the movies. Teja said that the price of popcorn and other foods in multiplexes has very much increased and exceeded than the actual price of the cinema ticket.
Teja further stated that the prices of coke and popcorn are inaccessible to a common man in multiplexes. He stated that many believe that it was OTT or television that killed the Hindi cinema in Mumbai, but it was the popcorn that did it. However, Popcorn could not kill Telugu Cinema because we have a single screens culture here, he said. Teja said that he recommends everyone to go to single screens to watch the movies.
Teja firmly stated that the screen is bigger in single screens whereas multiplexes have small size screens, adding to that, the exorbitant pricing of Popcorn is killing the viewing experience of Cinema.
Director Harish Shankar also tweeted this portion of the interview, highlighting the need to deal with it. As Teja mentioned, the prices of popcorn, coke, nachos, and french fries scare families away from multiplexes, and that’s something we need to focus on.
Though there is a truth in what Teja said, some people on social media disagreed with it, saying that a movie being released on OTT in less than 30 days after theatrical release is the main reason for the weak footfalls at theaters. There is also a view that ticket prices also have an impact on cinema, even on some single screens.