Nani’s much-awaited movie Tuck Jagadish whose trailer was recently launched amidst great response has been now postponed. Earlier last week, movies like Love Story and Thalaivi also postponed their releases due to rising Covid cases. This movie was earlier supposed to release on April 23rd. Nani took to Twitter to announce the release postponement through a video. In the video, he has cited rising Corona cases as the reason for this decision. This Shiva Nirvana film, however, has another reason for being postponed as well.
The latest ticket price limits enforced in AP is being seen as the main reason behind the postponement. Buyers are of the opinion that no noted films should be released till AP comes up with reasonable restrictions.
Recently a G.O. was issued placing a slab on the ticket prices on theatres in AP. These theatres were divided into Municipal Corporations, Municipality, Nagar Panchayat and Gram Panchayat. In fact the ticket prices in Gram Panchayat have been set as low as Rs 20/-. This is turning out to be the biggest issue for the distributors. If this situation continues for a while and no amicable agreement is done between the government and distributors, there is a chance of no more new releases for quite some time.