Over the past few weeks, the news that Thalapathy Vijay taking a break from films to enter the politics has gone viral. Accordingly, after Lokesh Kanagaraj’s ‘Leo’, the superstar will act in ‘Thalapathy 68’ directed by Venkat Prabhu and take a three-year break to concentrate on the TN Assembly Elections in 2024. It is being reported that Thalapathy Vijay said, “No more movies after my political entry” to his fans in a meeting.
Today, Vijay had a meeting with his Vijay Makkal Iyakkam leaders from all the 234 constituencies in Tamil Nadu. During the afternoon, a meeting was held at the organization office in Panaiyur in Chennai. Following the meeting, one of the members who were part of the meeting spoke with news personnel. “Vijay said in the meeting that when the time comes for him to enter politics, he will quit films and will fully engage in politics to serve the people who place trust in him” said one of the VMI members.
The same person also stated that all the arrangements that are required for Vijay’s political entry have already been made, and whenever he gives the green signal to his fans, they will kick off the proceedings.
The news of Thalapathy Vijay quitting movies and his sudden political entry will certainly send shock waves to movie lovers. The fans of Vijay are confident that Rajinikanth and Ajith Kumar fans will support Vijay when he makes his political entry. We know that, be it on social media or offline, there have been constant fights between Vijay fans against the combined fan base of Ajith Kumar and Rajinikanth fans.