No More Benefit Shows and Ticket Hikes in Telangana, according to the Telangana Government. Recently, Revathi, a woman, was killed in a stampede near Sandhya Theatre during the premiere show of Pushpa 2. Her son Sreetej is undergoing treatment at the hospital. Allu Arjun was arrested by the Police but he was out on bail on December 13, 2024. In this context, CM Revanth Reddy fired on the star and Telugu Film Industry in the Assembly over the Sandhya Theatre incident.
Revanth Reddy said that the Sandhya theatre stampede took place due to Allu Arjun. The entry and the exit in the theatre are the same, and despite the police’s request, Allu Arjun came to the theater. According to his words, after the stampede, DCP came to the theater and asked Allu Arjun to leave. However, the Pushpa 2 actor again went with the car roof being opened and greeting the fans. The CM stated a woman named Revathi was killed in the stampede and her son, is in a coma for which Allu Arjun is solely responsible.
He was also surprised that on the other hand, the entire film industry queued up to meet Allu Arjun. but no one met the boy and his family. The Telangana Chief Minister stated that their government helped the Telugu Film industry by allowing special privileges like special shows to support it. But if anyone takes people’s lives they do not sit and watch. Meanwhile, Telangana Cinematography Minister Komati Venkata Reddy announced that there will be no more Benefit Shows and Ticket Hikes in Telangana from now on.