Pawan Kalyan is stepping into the pan-India film’s club with Hari Hara Veera Mallu. Directed by Krish, this historical adventure film created a great buzz during its first look release last year and fans felt ecstatic seeing Pawan performing grand action sequences. Post the first look release though, the buzz for the project has come down and the occasional on-location pics and Pawan’s training videos have also not been successful in keeping the momentum going.
Hari Hara Veera Mallu is the grandest film in Pawan Kalyan’s career and is his highest-budget film so far. The movie is putting a lot of burden on the Producer and even Pawan Kalyan. The movie’s shooting started several months ago and still, a lot of shoot is pending. The producer himself confirmed that only 60% of the shooting has been completed.
One of the biggest challenges the movie is facing is the lack of buzz like other big pan-India films. This is why the business is also not happening at the pace the makers expected. In addition to this, the financiers are also feeling the risk to finance this movie as the producer is said to have taken huge advance to invest in this movie.
Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan has signed 3 other films and he is focussing on these projects at the moment and plans to complete these shootings simultaneously. While Krish has earlier directed Balakrishna starter Gautamiputra Satakarni, this project is on a whole another level and his inexperience and lack of buzz have added to the troubles for this pan-India project.