Mahesh babu’s next starrer Sarkaru vaari paata alongside Keerthy suresh release date has been planned on 12 May by the makers. But there are lot of rumours surrounding the postponement of the release date. The film which was postponed many times might get effected if the same happens. But it looks there are no changes in Sarkaru Vaari Paata release plans.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata is a mass action entertainer directed by P. Parasuram. Mahesh Babu has done this kind of genre after a longtime. Expectations are high. The film’s shoot is also going on a brisk pace. The film is being current shot at Hyderabad. Earlier the film had it’s shoot at Vizag. Recently released Kalavathi song of the film too registered well with audience. The song even crossed 75 Million views recently. Another song is also about to release soon.
There are lot of rumours regarding the postponement of the film to May end or June. But according to the makers there is no change in the release plan and the film is coming on May 12 for sure. The makers are planning to release the second single of the film in the next week. Let’s wait for it.