After Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan, Suriya has created a solid and well-established market for himself in the Telugu states. At one time, his business was on par with the Telugu tier 2 heroes. There has always been a huge demand for Suriya films from buyers in the Telugu states.
But now, after continuous disasters in the form of NGK, Singham 3, and Kaappaan, Suriya has lost his market in the Telugu states. These films have not done great in Tamil Nadu as well. Even Singham 3, which is the third installation of the blockbuster series Singham, failed to make money back.
His upcoming film Etharkkum Thunindhavam is slotted for a February mid-week release. The makers of the film are quoting a price of 10 crores but the offers are not even close to 5 crores. This has come as a massive shock for the makers of the film.
This is even more surprising as Suriya has scaled to great heights due to the recent OTT boom. This should mean that his films generate more business, but the opposite has occurred.