Among Tollywood heroes, Hero Nithin ranks first in the list of hardcore Pawan Kalyan fans. Nithin has expressed his admiration for Pawan Kalyan many times by putting references to the Star in his films, and Pawan had appeared as the chief guest for a few events of Nithin’s movies. Now Nithin once again proved that he is a super fan of Pawan Kalyan with his new movie title. Nithin is doing a movie with Pawan Kalyan’s super hit title Thammudu.
The film will be directed by Venu Sriram, the director of Pawan Kalyan’s Vakeel Saab. The upcoming movie ‘Thammudu’ was launched in Hyderabad on Sunday. The film is produced by Dil Raju and Sirish under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations.
It is reported that the movie is being made in the backdrop of the relationship between the brothers and sisters. It is learned that the title of the film has been fixed as Thammudu as it suits the story. The regular shooting of the film will begin soon. This is the 56th movie to be produced under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations.
This is the second film to be directed by Venu Sriram after Vakeel Saab. After Vakeel Saab, Venu Sriram has announced a film titled Icon with Allu Arjun.
But due to unavoidable reasons, the project was shelved up with the announcement itself. At present, Nithin is doing a movie titled Extraordinary Man under the direction of Vakkantham Vamsi. The movie is slated to be released in December.