Hero Nikhil is coming before the audience with the national thriller, Spy on June 29th. The theatrical trailer of the film directed by Garry BH, was unveiled a few days ago, and it had received a terrific response from all over the place. The stunning visuals, arresting dialogues and background score in the trailer has amazed the audiences. Nikhil’s Spy Telugu version theatrical business is closed, and the film needs to cross 17 Crores at the worldwide box office to achieve the hit status.
The film’s Andhra area’s [6 Territories] business ratio is 6 – 7 Crores. The total Telugu states business will be around 13 – 14 Crores. So if we put together, the total worldwide business of Spy will be 16 – 17 Crores. TP achieve the breakeven mark, the film has to collect more than 17 Crores share worldwide from the Telugu version.
Spy has finished his censor formalities recently and the film has obtained a U/A certificate. The censor members have reportedly recommended no cuts to the movie, which is based on India’s best-kept secret. It deals with the mystery of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s disappearance following the plane crash. The story is intertwined with current security concerns in the country.
Spy stars Iswarya Menon and Sanya Thakur as the female leads, and it is directed by Garry BH. Aryan Rajesh and Abhinav Gomatam will also be seen in key roles in Spy. K Rajashekhar Reddy has also produced and written the script for the movie. The action-packed spy thriller will be released simultaneously in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada.