Nikhil’s Karthikeya has got off to a great start and garnering applause from all the regions. Despite a limited release, the film hit the Rs 5 crores mark on Day 1. This figure is only going to increase on Day 2 and Day 3.
The film is holding excellent on Day 2 and if the current trend goes on, Nikhil’s Karthikeya 2 will actually cross the Rs 30 crores mark. Even for the Hindi version, the response has been tremendous and many shows are being added in the north belt.
Nikhil’s performance, Chandoo Mondeti’s gripping narration, and Kaala Bhairava’s terrific BGM were the main highlights of the film.
A sequel to the 2014 film, Nikhil’s Karthikeya 2 also stars Anupama Parameswaran, Srinivas Reddy, and Anupam Kher in key roles.