Young actress Nidhi Agerwal is slowly building a niche for herself in both Tollywood and Kollywood. The actress has been quite busy of late with Tamil movies Eeswaran and Bhoomi which released on the same day this year on Pongal. Now the actress has decided to expand her work beyond movies and help out people to counter the pandemic.
She has started a charitable organization called Distribute Love which will have people’s requests for Covid necessities, medications, etc. Along with that, the website will also have a resources list to help out the people in need. The actress, says she has put together a team to look into every request that comes through the website of the initiative.
“I am starting a charitable organization. It’s called Distribute Love. It’s a website where people can put in their requests, and I can provide them whatever help is possible. It could be basic necessities, medication, or whatever they might need,” she told.
“This is especially for Covid. I have a team that is working with me, and we will be able to arrange things. Once we start rolling, we will look at the requests and decide how we want to take things further,” said the actress, who made her debut in the 2017 Bollywood film “Munna Michael” and has since then worked in Tamil and Telugu films.
This initiative from the young actress has impressed everyone and people are calling her out for such a timely and resourceful initiative.
She will be next seen in Pawan Kalyan’s action-adventure film Hari Hara Veera Mallu in 2022. The actress has also signed up an untitled film with Sriram Aditya and an untitled Tamil film with Magizh Thirumeni.