Choreographer turned director Amma Rajasekhar has found himself at the centre of a new controversy after his comments on hero Nithiin. The director was livid at hero Nithiin for not attending the pre-release event of his upcoming film ‘Hi-Five’.
Amma Rajasekhar criticized Nithiin and openly lashed out for being ‘thankless’. “I called Nithin to attend the pre-release event of my film. He said that he will come so I believed him. I watched all of his films and gathered the best moments to prepare an audio-visual. I haven’t had proper food or sleep in the last 10 days to prepare this AV,” he said at the recent event.
Rajasekhar also said that it was he who taught the young hero to even dance and he should not forget where he came from.
These comments from the choreographer have triggered netizens and Nithiin fans who lashed out at him on social media. Nithiin’s fans supported his decision to stay away from the event as the trailer of the movie is filled with double-meaning dialogues and appears to be a B-grade film.
Meanwhile, Nithiin has maintained silence on this matter and he is instead basking on the accolades for his recently released ‘Ra Ra Reddy’ song from ‘Macherla Niyojakavargam‘. The film is all set to release on 12th August.