Tollywood Actor, Balakrishna is currently busy with his upcoming film, NBK109. The film directed by Bobby in his first collaboration with the Actor is rumoured to be titled Daaku Maharaj. The team has also readied all the formalities for the official launch of NBK 109 title and teaser and its details are as follows.
The event will take place on 15th November from 9 AM onwards at AMB Cinemas in Hyderabad. The passes for the event were also opened for free for the fans and audiences. The team will interact with the media at the event as well. The film is carrying great buzz due to the combination of Bobby and Balakrishna. The duo is riding high with the blockbuster successes of their previous films.
Bobby will also be happy to collaborate with the one of the veteran Actors of Tollywood. He struck gold by using the same opportunity with Chiranjeevi for Waltair Veerayya last year. The film became a big blockbuster reviving the career of the Director. Now he will be looking to repeat the same magic again with Balakrishna for NBK109. The film is speculated to release during the Sankranthi season next year.