Tollywood Actor, Balakrishna’s upcoming film, NBK109 is officially titled Daaku Maharaaj. The teaser of the film is also released now on YouTube where Balakrishna was seen playing the role of a dacoit. Directed by Bobby, the film is also confirmed to arrive for Sankranthi season next year on 12th January.
The teaser is filled with few baddies ruling over an area and Balakrishna taking on them. Background of the teaser composed by Thaman is resounding and apt to the film’s theme. Bollywood Actor, Bobby Deol plays the lead antagonist role which was also seen in the teaser. The film also stars Shraddha Srinath and Pragya Jaiswal playing the female lead roles.
This will be the first collaboration of both Balakrishna and Director Bobby. The Director scored a big blockbuster last year with Waltair Veerayya starring Chiranjeevi. Now, he will be aiming to repeat the same success with another Veteran Actor of Tollywood.