Actor Naresh’s latest film Malli Pelli has made quite a good noise for a few days. Both Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh have participated in many promotional events and interviews as well, but the film has failed to capitalize on their efforts and failed miserably at the box office. It is a known fact that the movie is almost a Biopic of Naresh, and it is directed by MS Raju and Naresh also happens to be the producer of it.
The film’s budget is said to be around 25 Crores as it has been made with grand setup and visuals of a decent movie. For promotions also the team has spent a massive amount and the big controversial points which were placed in the teaser and trailer, but still, the film failed to bring the audience to the theaters and mostly theatrical wise, the film will not fetch anything and will be a big loss venture for Naresh.
Malli Pelli takes some important events from the life of Naresh and Pavitra and builds the surrounding story in a non-linear format. With a back and forth style, narrative shows the present and the past of both the actors, answering questions about how these have reached the point where they are now. We are told how these two solitary people find comfort in each other, how the relation is more than just being physical.
Malli Pelli has been written and directed by MS Raju while Naresh himself has produced the movie under Vijayakrishna Movies banner. Apart from Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh, the film also stars Ananya Nagalla, Sharath Babu, Jayasudha, Annapurna, and others.