It is very well known to everyone that Actor Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh’s latest film, Malli Pelli is all set to be released tomorrow, 26 May. The film got a bit of craze, because of the kind of publicity the couple has done in the recent past. Cut to now, the film has to face an unexpected issue as Naresh’s ex-wife Ramya Raghupathi has moved the court against it.
Senior Actor Naresh’s ex-wife, Ramya Raghupathy approached Kukatpally Family Court to stall the release of Malli Pelli. She alleged that the movie intends to defame her character. When the trailer of the movie was released, the film looked like it had many similarities to the real life of Naresh, Pavitra, and Ramya. But when asked about the same, Naresh stated this film has nothing to do with their lives, and it is a fictional take.
Now, Ramya has moved the court against Malli Pelli, just a day before its release. We should see what the court has to say in this case. If the court does stall the release, then it will be a real trouble for the film’s unit as it has got good buzz in the audiences for a small film, and the craze could get diluted if the release is postponed.
Malli Pelli has been written and directed by MS Raju while Naresh himself has produced the movie under Vijayakrishna Movies banner.