Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s recent speech at the Republic pre-release event has become the talk of the town. The actor directly attacked the AP government on the tickets pricing G.O and other related issues. During his speech, Pawan spoke about the recent Tuck Jagadish fiasco where due to the government’s policies Nani had to face the burnt of the exhibitors.
“I was hurt hearing such comments against Nani. What can he do? Since theatres are not functional, they decided to release the film. The distributors should fight with the YSRCP leaders and ensure the opening of theatres,” said Pawan Kalyan.
Reacting to the support he received from the Powerstar, Nani took to Twitter and thanked him. In a follow-up tweet, he also requested AP CM Jaganmohan Reddy to intervene and revive the cinema.
Actor Karthikeya also came out in support of the statements made by Pawan and extended his support on the issue.