‘Natural Star’ Nani’s next venture, Saripodha Sanivaaram, will hit the big screens next Thursday. The promotions, including the theatrical trailer and songs, have created a good buzz around the film, and big opening numbers are expected on the first day.
In the latest media interview, Nani spoke about the USP of Saripodha Sanivaaram. Calling it ‘Unique’ from other films, he stated that it revolves around a hero and cop who live in a fictional town of Sokulapalem. He went on to say that the hero of the film is not a savior like other vigilante films.
“The characterizations will have solid depth and won’t be on the surface level,” the actor added. Saripodha Sanivaaram, written and directed by Vivek Athreya, will boast a seemingly lengthy runtime of 2 hours 45 minutes. Jakes Bejoy is the music composer, while Priyanka Mohan is the female lead.