From his early days in the Telugu Film Industry, Nani has always chosen out-of-the-box scripts. His ability to successfully pull off such unique scripts with ease also earned him the tag of Natural star among the masses. Nani was on track to becoming the next star of Telugu cinema but things have slowed down for the actor.
Despite the constant choice of compelling scripts, the movies have not been able to convince the masses to step into the theatres. A prime example would be Shyam Singha Roy, which looked excellent on paper, but still failed to meet expectations.
Now, with Ante Sundaraniki, the opening numbers are poor and the collections are still at the same low level. This has come as a cause for concern for the producers of Nani’s next film Dasara. The makers are tense as Dasara is being made on a huge budget.
Going by Nani’s bad phase at the box office, the producers of Dasara are looking to not risk buying the film for a high cost. All said and done, Nani is one of the best actors the industry has to offer and he will surely prove the naysayers wrong. Ante Sundaraniki has been posting mostly positive reviews which might bring the families to the theatres in the coming days.