Nani officially confirmed the film with Vivek Athreya. Yes, the Ante Sundaraniki Combo will reunite again. There were many rumors about this combination, but Nani officially confirmed the film with Vivek Athreya. In his Instagram Story, Nani posted a pic with Vivek Athreya and wrote a dialogue from the KGF movie, which almost guaranteed that he would do the film under the direction of Vivek.
Even the film’s production house, DVV Entertainment wished Vivek Athreya on his birthday today which further strengthens the collaboration of the actor and director.
Nani, fondly called as Natural Star, is not hurried and has been pursuing roles that would improve his acting abilities. Nani is releasing a classy film called ‘Hi Nanna,’ which is scheduled for December first week release after movies like Shyam Singha Roy and Dasara. He will make announcements about his future projects, but none of his films have been officially announced. As said above, Nani also nodded to Vivek Athreya, and DVV Danayya will produce the film.
Nani recently agreed to do a film with Tamil director Cibi Chakravarthi, and Srinivasaa Chitturi will bankroll the movie. Nani intends to film both of these films at the same time. At the right time, the official announcements about these projects will be made.