Natural Star Nani has announced his next production under his banner Wall Poster Cinema. The film will be a female-centric film Meet Cute. This will be the production house’s fourth film after Awe, HIT and HIT:2. Nani’s sister Deepthi Ganta will be directing this film and marking her debut. Deepthi has earlier directed a short film Anaganaga Oka Naana.
“Wall Poster Cinema Production No 4 #MeetCute A new journey begins today. This one’s special for more than one reason,” Nani posted on social media.
The production house also released a couple of stills from the sets. The photos featured actor Sathyaraj along with Nani who’s holding a clapboard. He will be next seen in Tuck Jagadish and is currently also shooting for Shyam Singha Roy.