Nani and Vijay Deverakonda are two of the most promising young star heroes of Tollywood. While Nani is senior to Vijay in the film industry, the latter has climbed the ladder pretty fast and has emerged as a solid brand. Despite a string of failures, makers are willing to invest huge budgets for their movies and are paying good remunerations as well.
Films from both Nani and Vijay Deverakonda are doing excellent non-theatrical business and for most of the films now non-theatrical business is slightly higher or equal to theatrical business due to the emergence of OTT and other languages satellite rights. This has resulted in a considerable increase in the budgets and remunerations.
Nani’s latest film Dasara is made on an Almost 70Cr budget and the producer is safe even before the release due to OTT rights and other non-theatrical deals. The same was the case with Liger as well. While the movie has made on a huge budget and did excellent pre-business, the movie failed but didn’t cause as massive a loss as feared.
The theatrical result is secondary now to both Nani and Vijay DevErakonda as they are able to do close to 100Cr pre-release business. Because of this, they are demanding Rs 25Cr remuneration for committing to a new film and there is no objection from the producer’s side as they are getting good business