Nandamuri-Akkineni controversy is the latest hot topic in social media. Today, Nandamuri Balakrishna has finally responded to his recent remarks at Veera Simha Reddy function. Balakrishna told he had no intention to insult or demean legendary Akkineni Nageswara Rao with whom he had shared a great relation.
Balayya added his comments at the event were impromptu and were not at all intentional or meant to offend anyone.
“I call him Baabayi. He is so affectionate towards me. In fact, he is more loving with me than his own kids,” added Balakrishna on Akkineni Nageswara Rao. He added that he learned from Akkineni on not to get carried away by praises. Balayya further explained that they refer even NTR as “NT Vodu”. He told each region uses a different language and dialect to call their favorite affectionately.
Balayya said, “It was all love and affection. I, too, spoke in a similar sense. I had no intention of insulting Akkineni Babayi.
Everyone thought that with this, Balayya had put a full stop to the ongoing controversy. However, his latest comments have sparked another debate as he indirectly hinted that ANR got more love from him than his sons.
Meanwhile, the entire issue had even taken a political turn when YCP social media activists sought to take political advantage by criticizing Balayya’s remarks and tried to cash in on the controversy. Meanwhile, Akkineni Nagarjuna or his family is yet to respond to Balayya’s latest clarification.