The recent re-release of Ram Charan’s was a super success and collected more than 1 Crore share. Before the release, Nagababu has promised that the money collected during the re-release will be donated to the Janasena Party. As promised, they met Pawan Kalyan and donated the amount. The other heroes fans had trolled that this event will not be a success, but Orange re-release surpassed everyone’s expectations and became a tremendous success. Therefore, Naga Babu lived up to his word of donating the collections to Janasena Party.
The Orange re-release was one of the curiously watched re-releases of recent times. The main reason for this was that, unlike other hero’s super-hit films being re-released, this was actually a box-office disaster that was brought to screens. Everyone was curious how the fans would receive this film and, much to everyone’s surprise, Orange re-release had been a success.
In the recent past, re-release of hit films has become a trend. On the birthday of the heroes, most of their films were brought back to the screens. Films like Pokiri, Thammudu, Khushi, Jalsa, Okkadu, and Billa were re-released and made the fans happy. Because of the craze for the old films, some re released films had earned more at the box office than the new ones. Continuing the same trend, Orange was re released on the occasion of Ram Charan’s birthday.
‘Orange’ starring Ram Charan and Genelia in the lead roles, was produced by Naga Babu. Though the film’s music was hugely appreciated, Orange ended up as a disaster at the box office. Nagababu was financially devastated by the loss of the film at that time.