Naga Vamsi’s satires on Bollywood are now going viral on social media. It is widely known that young Telugu producer Suryadevara Naga Vamsi is known for his straightforward nature in giving opinions or statements about his or other movies. Recently, he took part in a roundtable conversation with the other Indian producers such as Boney Kapoor, Archana (Producer of The GOAT), Actor Siddharth, and others. In that conversation, Vamsi spoke about Bollywood in a satirical manner.
Speaking to Boney Kapoor, Naga Vamsi said that Bollywood still seems to be stuck in a stereotype somewhere else, and right now, it is the South Indian makers who are showing a new path to Bollywood. Boney Kapoor disagreed to it and said that even now everyone is trying to do something new in Hindi Cinema. Vamsi mentioned that the senior producer had to give examples of RRR, Baahubali, Pushpa, Salaar and Animal, which are all made by south makers. Naga Vamsi’s satires on Bollywood are now going viral on social media.
As part of the discussions, Naga Vamsi gave a counter to Bollywood’s top producer Boney Kapoor, saying that even if he feels a bit embarrassing, it is true that Bollywood makers are still stuck in making movies which cater to public in Bandra and Juhu. It is the south makers who are now showing a new path. Boney Kapoor was not happy with the way Vamsi spoke and he seemed to be irritated.
Meanwhile, like in any issue, the social media is divided on this issue, with some supporting the Lucky Bashkar Producer while some opposing his way of speaking. A few netizens felt that he could have said the same thing in a different and polit way.
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