Naga Shourya’s Rangabali was released in theatres recently and despite the promotions and efforts from the team, the film has failed to register with the audiences. The opening day numbers were not too impressive and even content-wise, the film did not impress the audiences.
This would have come as a shock to Naga Shourya who put a lot of hopes on the film. In almost every interview, he seemed extremely confident that Rangabali will be a successful film. But the result, speaks otherwise.
Despite this, the team of Rangabali decided to keep a success meet to celebrate the movie. This has become a common trend in the recent past where there is a success celebration irrespective of the movie’s result.
During the success meet, the media had some hard-hitting questions to ask the team. There were questions about the content of the film, about some of the scenes, and the lag in the 2nd half.
Tired of all of this, Naga Shaurya replied to a reporter and then walked off the stage. It must be disheartening for any actor to have put so much faith in a film, just for the audience to dismiss it.
Naga Shaurya has been going through a rough patch recently with multiple back-to-back failures. Let us hope that he delivers a solid comeback with his next few films by choosing good scripts instead of relying on unnecessary mass and comedy.