During the shooting of Naga Shourya’s Rangabali, it was reported that an ambulance had arrived on sets. This was due to some health issues pertaining to actor Naga Shourya. When asked, why take such a big risk, this is what Naga Shourya had to say.
“I came to please the audience, and that is the job that I have chosen.” He further added that there is currently a lot of competition in the industry. Everyone is doing crazy stunts, action sequences, and extraordinary dance sequences. So at a time like this, we should give our best.
“Some health issues and injuries will happen once in a while. But these are all a part of the profession” he stated. “This is the profession that I have chosen and success only comes with hard work” he concluded.
This is not the first time that Naga Shourya has faced health issues on the sets of his films. Even last year, he fainted during the shooting process and he also met with an accident on one occasion. While hard work is imperative for success, we hope that Naga Shourya also keeps his health in mind.
Keeping this aside, his film Rangabali is all set to release in a couple of days. There is decent hype and buzz for the film thanks to the Spoof interview and that dance number featuring Jaani Master. The film is all set to release on July 7th in theatres.