Naga Shaurya’s landmark 20th film ‘Lakshya’ has wrapped up its entire shooting part. Sree Venkateswara Cinemas announced a wrap-up on social media. The working still featured Dheerendra Santhossh Jagarlapudi, Naga Shaurya Ketika Sharma.
Lakshya is a sports drama based on archery and it will be narrated in an engaging manner with adequate entertaining and exciting elements. Naga Shourya has undergone rigorous body transformation for his muscular look in the film
Post the wrap up the team shifted their focus to post-production works which are currently underway. Presented by Sonali Narang, the film is produced by Narayan Das K. Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, Sharrath Marar in Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP, and Northstar Entertainment Pvt Ltd banners.
Ketika Sharma is playing as heroine in this film while versatile actor Jagapathi Babu will be seen in a crucial role.