Prakash Raj has decided to resign from the Movie Artist Association membership on Monday. The actor held a press conference where he announced his decision. He claimed that the politics inside the artist association has become full of regionalism.
“They brought in regionalism and defeated me for being non-Telugu. What is the point of me continuing then?” he questioned. The actor however confirmed that he will continue to act in Telugu films
This decision comes right after Naga Babu resigned from the membership of MAA after Vishnu Manchu defeated Prakash Raj in the heated polls that concluded on Sunday. Naga Babu had extended support to Prakash Raj panel and even made aggressive attacks on the opposing camp.
Naga Babu posted about his decision on social media in a detailed and creative manner. He accused that MAA is infested with regional feelings and divisive politics. In such an environment it’s not right for him to continue, he explained.