Nagarjuna promises fans a blockbuster film with Naa Saami Ranga to his fans. Though films like Guntur Kaaram, Hanuman and Saindhav are in the race for Sankranthi, Nagarjuna is releasing his film with great courage on this Sunday. Directed by Vijay Binny, the pre-release event of the film, Naa Saami Ranga was held in Hyderabad today. Nagarjuna promises fans a blockbuster film with Naa Saami Ranga to his fans.
Along with Nagarjuna, the movie team Allari Naresh, Raj Tarun, Ashika Ranganath, Mirna and Ruksaar Dhillon attended the event. Music director Keeravani and lyricist Chandrabose were also present at the event. Nagarjuna expressed confidence about the success of the film.
Before starting his speech, Akkineni Nagarjuna wished the rest of the three films a big success this Sankranthi.
“I have to tell you about the Telugu audience before I tell you about our film. For us, Sankranthi is the festival of cinema. When TVs came, they said the films’ time was over. After that, the phones came, and it was said that no one will not watch movies. OTT has come up recently. However, the audiences are still watching in the theaters. Even after Covid, everyone is watching movies. It is customary for us to watch movies on a festival day. No matter how many movies come, the audiences will watch films. Sankranthi is a film festival for our Telugu people. Four films are coming up this Sankranthi.
We are coming to you with Naa Saami Ranga. I have seen two festivals of how you will appreciate it if we give you a good film. I am sure this festival will also be supported in the same way. The songs given by Keeravani Garu for this film are the biggest blockbusters. If we have completed the film in three months, then you can understand how much confidence we have in our team.
We have all done it as a family. On September 20, my father’s birth anniversary, when the statue was unveiled, I could hear my father’s words as an encouragement to make this film. We have done it with the courage given by him. I will tell you about all of them (unit) in the success meet. We will also write a book on how to make a film in three months. As per Sankranthi festival, a word should be said to Akkineni fans… Kishtaiah is coming for the festival this time… He is hitting the box office,” said Nagarjuna.