Ever since the movie went on floors, Nagarjuna was quite keen on getting Naa Saami Ranga to release only for Sankranthi. He did not want to move the film to any other date as he wanted to deliver a blockbuster and felt Sankranthi season would surely deliver that. Naa Saami Ranga seems to be a good commercial package with a star cast also featuring Allari Naresh and Raj Tarun among others.
Nagarjuna and team put a lot of effort into a Sankranthi release but 4 Other films are releasing for Sankranthi and they have locked the theatres. There are no theatres for Naa Sami Ranga to release in. Nagarjuna and team addressed this issue to the producers and asked for some kind of compromise but no producer was ready to postpone the film.
Naa Saami Ranga team thought that if Eagle movie gets postponed they can come for Sankranthi. Eagle producers have refused to postpone as they are also keen on only Sankranthi release. With no other choice, the team has reportedly decided to push from a Sankranthi release.
An official press meet is planned to explain the entire situation. It needs to be seen what release date they will choose. Currently, 26th January is a good release date which falls on Friday and is a public holiday with no other releases.