A few months ago, the first look and the title of Pawan Kalyan and Harish Shankar’s collaboration was revealed. The first look featured Pawan Kalyan with a classy look, as he stood in front of a stylish bike. Since then fans have eagerly been waiting for more updates regarding the film.
The film was originally scheduled to go on sets this year itself. But, due to the political commitments of Pawan Kalyan, it was hard to allocate shooting dates for this movie. However, Mythri Movies and Harish Shankar are trying their hardest to convince Pawan Kalyan to finish shooting before the elections.
They are constantly telling Pawan Kalyan that this movie will be a perfect feast for fans, just like Gabbar Singh. They are convincing Pawan Kalyan to finish the movie before the elections and make the fans and the audiences happy before he leaves for his political break.
Harish Shankar is currently narrating a few scenes in the story to convince the actor. Pawan Kalyan is yet to take the decision. Fans of the Power star also want this movie to materialize quickly as the title already indicates a Gabbar Singh vibe.