Murari, the classic film of Mahesh Babu is having a re-release in the theatres on the occasion of Mahesh Babu’s Birthday. The film is a special one for both his fans and the audience for the film’s content. Director Krishna Vamsi still enjoys many accolades for his direction of Murari. Now, Murari 4K re-release will also have a Super Treat in the theatres.
A surprise has been planned for the fans and audience with the film which is called as Super Treat. A Special Birthday Card and Mash up video has been attached to all Murari 4K shows. They will be played in the beginning and in the end as well.
On the other hand, Murari 4K’s bookings are in full swing and also trending on a very good note. We see the re-releases getting limited to only one day in theatres but Murari is expected to perform good in the weekend too. Day 2’s advance bookings indicate this trend surprisingly. And the collections from the film will also be donated to MB Foundations for charity work. Murari 4K will release in the theatres on August 9th. Fans have to rejoice only with the film’s re-release as there will be no update about his upcoming film with SS Rajamouli.