Mufasa: The Lion King is having a stunning box office run in Tamil Nadu. The film released in a clash with Viduthalai 2 starring Vijay Sethupathi started with an average response in the beginning. But It witnessed big jump later with an extraordinary hold in the week days and Christmas holiday too greatly helped the film yesterday. The trend is expected to continue for one more weekend with the New Year holiday advantage.
Viduthalai 2 also had a good opening in Tamil Nadu with more than 7.5 crores gross. It held decently in the first weekend too but saw a big drop in the week days with Audience choosing Mufasa: The Lion King over it. From the Monday, Mufasa: The Lion King posted a lead over Viduthalai 2 with Christmas taking it more further.
With this dominance of Mufasa: The Lion King, Viduthalai 2 will find it difficult to cross even the 50 crore gross mark in Tamil Nadu shockingly. Mufasa: The Lion King is expected to touch the 50 crores mark in the final run in Tamil Nadu alone showing signs of a surprise hit.