The untold story of one of India’s most celebrated and loved man, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, is getting a re-release in theatres. The iconic film which was released in 2016, won the hearts of many people. The film was widely acclaimed for Sushant Singh Rajput’s honest performance and the riveting drama.
Many might be wondering, why are they re-releasing the film at this time. There are a few possible reasons for this. The ongoing IPL season means that the interest in cricket in the country is a lot more than usual. Moreover, many think that this will be Dhoni’s last season in the IPL, which means this will also be the last time he ever plays International Cricket.
Therefore, there is no better time to release the film. The film will be released on 12th May 2023 in theatres. The celebrations will be on another level for sure, with people pronging to the theatres to see the film.
There will also be a bitter-sweet feeling throughout the movie, watching Sushant Singh Rajput on the screen. If you are a Dhoni fan, do not miss this experience.
MS Dhoni finishes it off in style, a magnificent six into the crowd and India lift the world cup after 28 years. Hearing this again on the big screen will surely give the audience goosebumps.