Bollywood’s most awaited film Bawaal is all set to be released on OTT from tonight. The film’s lead pair, Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, have already impressed everyone with their off-screen camaraderie and on-screen chemistry. Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor are on cloud nine for all the right reasons, as they share the screen space for the first time in Bawaal. Moreover, a special premier of Bawaal for the actors of Bollywood took place in Mumbai on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.
Right from Bollywood’s ace filmmaker Karan Johar to Kollywood’s star director Atlee Kumar, dancing starlet Nora Fatehi to milky beauty Tamannaah Bhatia, many celebrities were present at the Bawaal screening. The film will be streaming on OTT via Amazon Prime Video, the leading OTT platform.
Varun and Janhvi’s industry friends and colleagues had taken to their respective social media handles to shower their love on the ‘Bawaal’ jodi and praise the movie and their performances. The film celebrities, using Instagram stories to share their positive reviews and reactions of their own, is a common practice nowadays. Both Varun and Janhvi had placed all of their celebrity friends’ appreciation messages on their own Instagram stories, showing their gratitude for support and love.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, located in the heart of Lucknow, Bawaal is a romance drama starring Varun Dhawan as Ajay Dixit and Janhvi Kapoor as Nisha. Bawaal is set for the digital release on July 21,i.e. from tonight, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.