Veteran Actor Mohan Babu who recently embroiled in a controversy with his son Manchu Manoj assaulted a media journalist physically amid the news coverage. The issue became very popular which resulted in a case being filed against the Actor. He immediately applied for bail sensing an arrest from Police. But the High Court has quashed the bail petition giving a major shock to Mohan Babu.
The Actor expected a relief from the Court to protect himself from the case but it seems he has to deal with it. Police recently confirmed that the legal process against Mohan Babu is very well on and also said they would work on it. This came as a jolt to the Actor and also the fans and audience. Mohan Babu recently visited the hurt journalist who is currently under treatment and assured to stand by him.
Mohan Babu’s bail petition and the case acquire a bit of popularity with the Government strictly taking action against Allu Arjun who recently made a visit to a theatre during the premier show of Pushpa 2 which resulted in the death of a lady. Everybody is eagerly waiting to see what the Government would do in the case of Mohan Babu now.