Mohan Babu and his younger son, Manoj have indulged in a big fight for the past 3 days. Manoj created a ruckus at the farmhouse of Mohan Babu on which a complaint was also lodged against him by his father to the Police. But the fight still continued with Manoj poking him and other family members. Mohan Babu has now released a sensational audio clip lasting about 11 minutes against Manoj slamming his behaviour. This went viral on social media platforms.
Mohan Babu reminded Manoj of his misdeeds and ugly behaviour over the staff members at the farmhouse. He also reiterated that the decision regarding all his properties and wealth would solely be his and wouldn’t belong to Manoj unless he decides it. This also made sure that the fight was for the properties and wealth within the family. Mohan Babu also added saying that Manoj became a drunkard and operating under the guidance of his wife.
This audio clip has really shocked everyone. No one expected Mohan Babu to go directly against his son and reveal mind-boggling details and incidents. Mohan Babu has also attacked a media reporter for over stepping in this issue which became even more controversial than their family fight.