Tamil Actor, Dhanush upcoming starrer Raayan is all set for release on 26th July. The film also stars Sundeep Kishan playing a pivotal role alongside him. Raayan’s Tamil Audio Launch happened recently in Chennai and Dhanush while speaking talked about his personal experiences which felt weird. Dhanush has missed some logics and even assumed himself as Rajinikanth while sharing about some incidents.
Dhanush told that he once had aspired to have a home like Rajinikanth and Jayalalitha. He said that he was 16 years old when he had thought of this as he saw both the homes of Rajinikanth and Jayalalitha. The Actor said this as a form of achievement he did as an outsider in the film Industry just like Rajinikanth. This is where he completely missed the logic and reality. Dhanush happens to be the son of a Tamil Director and brother of much acclaimed director, Selva Raghavan. Dhanush was even launched under the direction of Selvan Raghavan. And later, Dhanush married the daughter of Rajinikanth as well.
But its very weird to see Dhanush forgetting these and speaking as if he achieved completely on his own. It felt that he was equating himself with Rajinikanth and others who have come to the industry with no background. He even openly boasted himself which actors don’t do very often. This is definitely surprising. It’s better if Dhanush stops speaking this way in any event and concentrate on his work and films. There is no need of boasting in this way which differs with the actual reality.