Anushka Shetty and Naven Polishetty starrer Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty had a strong Monday after an impressive weekend. The film collected close Rs 1Cr share on Monday in Telugu states. Overseas also, Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty held strong with decent numbers. Overall the film has collected around Rs1.4Cr on Monday taking the total share to 14.65Cr+ worldwide for 5 days.
The film had an excellent weekend with solid occupancies and a good hold in most of the territories. Over the weekend, Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty collected around Rs 10.5 Cr gross. in overseas markets with more than $1M in the USA. The total overseas share is around 5Cr.
In Nizam, the film has collected around Rs 6.8Cr gross, and the share is Rs 3.75Cr. The rest of India’s gross is approx around Rs 2.5Cr with Rs 1CR share. Andhra Pradesh accounted for Rs 3.5Cr and gross will be in the range of Rs 6.25Cr.
The film has managed to create some intrigue thanks to its fresh look and unique casting. With Anushka appearing on screen after 3 years, everyone was curious how this film would come out. While the opening day collections weren’t exactly staggering, the romantic drama managed to hold well due to positive word of mouth.