Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan’s Acharya has been subject to not one but many hurdles during the entire process. From multiple shoot delays due to COVID-19 to reshoots due to unsatisfactory scenes. The film has seen it all. The movie was also scheduled to release a lot earlier but was pushed due to COVID-19.
The makers have also been constantly confused regarding whether Acharya is a regional film or a Pan-Indian film. Chiranjeevi has also spoken about this confusion in the past. The film was originally planned for a Pan-Indian release but the makers decided to opt for a regional release itself.
After a while, the makers again opted for a Pan-Indian release, creating confusion among the fans. Now, the makers have again changed their minds and are portraying Acharya as a regional film. They are targeting only a Telugu release in the present situation.
This has come as a surprise as Ram Charan is currently in hot form, fresh off RRR’s success. It would have been smart to bank off of the success of his craze from RRR. The makers have also not started promotions for the film with only a month left for release. They need to start soon as there are multiple biggies lined up for release in the month of April.