Megastar Chiranjeevi has said in public that Acharya’s failure belongs to Koratala Siva. He also added that Koratala didn’t use any of his suggestions while Mohan Raja used all his inputs.
Now with such public statements, Chiranjeevi is caught in a tricky situation. He is desperate to project the film as a blockbuster despite the numbers being extremely poor. The movie has not even crossed Rs 50Cr share mark In 1st week and is now struggling to get the shares.
The makers are saying that they did not sell the film so the movie is a blockbuster. Another logic brought up by the team is that every hero has a specific market and if the movie reaches the minimum collections of their market, then it automatically attains hit status.
This logic is quite questionable and many are asking in what way is a Rs 50Cr share for Tier someone like Megastar Chiranjeevi be declared a blockbuster film. After the debacle of Acharya, Chiranjeevi pinned a lot of hopes on this political drama. As mentioned many times during promotions, Chiranjeevi’s Godfather is a more commercialized version of Mohanlal’s Malayalam Blockbuster ‘Lucifer’.