The response to the Megastar Chiranjeevi’s latest film, Bhola Shankar has been disappointing, with many fans complaining about yet another remake of their favorite hero. The film was surrounded with doubts over its box-office result right from the day it was announced, but there was some hope that Megastar’s box-office pull might help in recovering the business.
However, Meher Ramesh’s routine staging, with predictable and outdated taking without an exciting script, resulted in a disastrous result at the box office… Now because of such a terrible result, Megastar Chiranjeevi has a change in his upcoming films’ scheduling, and reportedly he is in plans to take a major break from shootings as well.
Chiranjeevi planned immediately to start his next with Kalyan Krishna after Bhola Shankar release and in December, he wanted to plan to start another film with Bimbisara movie’s director Vasishta but now with the result of Bhola Shankar he has reportedly changed his mind and wants to take his own time to decide on his next films carefully.
Because of Bhola Shankar’s disastrous result he must need to deliver a blockbuster result with his next film, and he also has to undergo a minor knee surgery in Delhi and will need to take a rest for some days after surgery also. It looks like Chiranjeevi will take a 2–3 month break to go on next movie’s sets.
Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar film has collected a meager amount of 26Cr share for 5 days at the worldwide box office. The film was opened to disaster talk and never picked up from there, with yesterday the film has mostly ended its box office run.