There has been a multiple discussions and rumors about the film of Megastar Chiranjeevi with director Kalyan Krishna for a very longtime. Many reports emerged about the film, whether it is a straight film or a remake. Now again, a new set of reports suggest that Chiranjeevi is once more interested in doing a remake instead of a straight film. It is being reported that he will be seen in the remake of Mohanlal’s Bro Daddy.
Megastar’s daughter Sushmitha Konidela is said to be the producer of the film. It is also being said that the story of the movie also needs a young lead pair and the latest sensational actress Sree Leela said to be almost confirmed and to act in her opposite role, young hero, DJ Tillu fame Siddhu Jonnalagadda was in consideration, but it was again reported that he has refused the offer.
Now Sharwanand has replaced Siddhu Jonnalagadda and will pair up opposite Sree Leela. Actress Trisha will be paired opposite Chiranjeevi. However, the official announcement is awaited on the cast and other details.
Nowadays, the audiences are not showing much interest in the remake movies, which is the reason mega fans are worried after learning this news. However, Bro Daddy is available on OTT only in Malayalam language and there is no need to worry about the film being remade in Telugu. Bro Daddy is Prithviraj Sukumaran’s directorial, in which he also acted in a lead role along with Mohanlal.