After a super-duper hit like Waltair Veerayya, Megastar Chiranjeevi has taken his time to announce his new film. Currently, he is working on Bhola Shankar under the direction of Meher Ramesh. This movie was announced long back and will be released on August 11th, 2023. Meanwhile, so many rumors have been emerged about his next film with young director Mallidi Vashishta.
Now, according to the reports, Chiranjeevi – Vasishtha project has got a crazy title called Mulloka Veerudu. Mallidi Vasishtha got a huge name and popularity after the sensation he created with the socio-fantasy film Bimbisara with Kalyan Ram in the lead role.
After such a big success, everyone that he would concentrate on his Sequel of Bimbisara with Kalyan Ram. However, the young director has set up his next project with Mega Star Chiranjeevi. It is being said that Mallidi Vasishta wrote a socio-fantasy story for Chiranjeevi in the lines of Jagadeka Veerudu Atiloka Sundari and Chiranjeevi really liked it and said ok. Maybe that is the reason he titled the film as Mulloka Veerudu.
Meanwhile, there have been reports of the Bimbisara 2 project being delayed, because of the difference between Kalyan Ram and Vashishta. Vashishta is keen to take a break from the Bimbisara franchise for now and wants to make another film with a big hero.